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Signing keys

Signing keys are ED25519 keys which consist of a public/private key pair.

The private key is used by users to sign firmware and binaries.

The public key is provided to Peridio as well as devices to enable attestation of firmware and binary signatures.


For field-level information and requirements, see the Admin API's create-a-signing-key endpoint.


Ed25519 keys can be represented in a variety of ways in the wild.


PEM is the recommended format for signing keys.

Example private.pem:


Example public.pem:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


The public key is the base64 encoding of the raw 32 byte public key. The private key is the base64 encoding of 64 bytes where the first 32 bytes are the raw private key and the last 32 bytes are the raw public key.

Example private.raw:


Example public.raw:


Useful commands

Create keys

Create a PEM private key

openssl genpkey -algorithm Ed25519 -out private.pem

Derive a PEM public key From a PEM private key

openssl pkey -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem

Create hashes and signatures

These commands are unnecessary if you use the Peridio CLI as it will handle hashing and signatures for you.

Create a hash

cat to-be-hashed | sha256sum | grep -o '^\w\+' | tr -d "\n" > hash

The hash is in the format you'd, for example, supply to the Peridio Admin API create-a-binary endpoint.

Create a signature

openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey private.pem -rawin -in hash > raw-signature
cat raw-signature | xxd -ps -c 0 | tr a-z A-Z > encoded-signature

The encoded signature is in the format you'd, for example, supply to the Peridio Admin API create-a-binary-signature endpoint.

Verify a signature

openssl pkeyutl -verify -pubin -inkey public.pem -rawin -in hash -sigfile raw-signature

Convert keys

Convert a raw private key into a PEM private key

echo -n "\x30\x2e\x02\x01\x00\x30\x05\x06\x03\x2b\x65\x70\x04\x22\x04\x20$(cat private.raw | base64 -d)" \
| openssl pkey -inform der -outform pem > private.pem

The raw byte sequence is a static DER prefix for private Ed25519 keys. You can verify this by hexdumping any private ed25519 key as follows:

cat private.pem | openssl pkey -outform DER -in private.pem | hexdump -C

You will see the same sequence of bytes at the beginning of the output.

Convert a raw public key into a PEM public key

echo -n "\x30\x2a\x30\x05\x06\x03\x2b\x65\x70\x03\x21\x00$(cat public.raw | base64 -d)" \
| openssl pkey -inform der -outform pem -pubin -pubout > public.pem

The raw byte sequence is a static DER prefix for public Ed25519 keys. You can verify this by hexdumping any public ed25519 key as follows:

cat public.pem | openssl pkey -outform DER -pubin -in public.pem -pubout | hexdump -C

You will see the same sequence of bytes at the beginning of the output.

Convert a PEM private key into a raw private key

openssl pkey -outform DER -in private.pem | tail -c +17 | base64 > private.raw

Convert a PEM public key into a raw public key

openssl pkey -outform DER -pubin -in public.pem -pubout | tail -c +13 | base64 > public.raw